GCK72-F39 fit different decks
This deck can fit the RCK60P-F39 and also the RCK72P-F39. The mounting and the boot cases are different depending on model of deck
answered by mwi
on 11/18/2014
What oil do I use in the Disc Modules?
Messick's uses 80W90 GL4 or GL5.
answered by BLK
on 11/19/2014
How much oil is in the Disc Modules?
They hold approximately 10 OZ of oil.
answered by BLK
on 11/19/2014
How often should I change the oil in the modules?
Every 300 hours or yearly, which ever comes first.
answered by BLK
on 11/19/2014
Can I put a Shock Pro Hub on the drive modules?
No. Shock Pro can not be used on the drive modules.
answered by BLK
on 11/19/2014